2025 Theologian-in-Residence
Save the Date
October 23-26, 2025
Otis Moss III
Senior Pastor,
Chicago Trinity United Church of Christ
Save the Date
October 23-26, 2025
Otis Moss III
Senior Pastor,
Chicago Trinity United Church of Christ
Thank you to those attending the 2024 Theologian-in-Residence Program either in-person or online. Your attendance helped make this year's event one of the best yet!!
To access the recordings of this year's event, please click the following links:
Thursday Night (Speech at Iowa State University)
Saturday Sessions (Video)
Saturday Sessions (Audio)
Sunday Worship Service Sermon (John Pavlovitz -- Audio Only)
Empatheology Presentation Notes
To access the recordings of this year's event, please click the following links:
Thursday Night (Speech at Iowa State University)
Saturday Sessions (Video)
Saturday Sessions (Audio)
Sunday Worship Service Sermon (John Pavlovitz -- Audio Only)
Empatheology Presentation Notes
Finding Courage and Compassion When Cruelty is Trending
April 4 - 7, 2024
Featuring the 39th Ames UCC Annual Theologian-in-Residence speaker Pr. John Pavlovitz.
Co-Hosts: Ames United Church of Christ
Iowa-Nebraska-South Dakota UCC Tri-Conference
Iowa Conference UCC
Central Association of the Iowa Conference UCC
Free and Open to the Public
Available in-person and online through Ames UCC zoom
The purpose of the Theologian in Residence program is to stimulate thinking, dialogue and action concerning issues of interest to faith communities.
April 4 - 7, 2024
Featuring the 39th Ames UCC Annual Theologian-in-Residence speaker Pr. John Pavlovitz.
Co-Hosts: Ames United Church of Christ
Iowa-Nebraska-South Dakota UCC Tri-Conference
Iowa Conference UCC
Central Association of the Iowa Conference UCC
Free and Open to the Public
Available in-person and online through Ames UCC zoom
The purpose of the Theologian in Residence program is to stimulate thinking, dialogue and action concerning issues of interest to faith communities.
Click for
Schedule of Events
Previous Theologians in Residence
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1985 1984 |
Rev. Miguel De La Torre Rev. Brooks Berndt Karen L. King Not Held Due to Covid-19 David Vasquez-Levy Dave Csinos Harry T. Cook Barry Lynn Ruth Duck & Cynthia Wilson Phyllis Tickle Gary Dorrien Marva Dawn Ingrid Mattson Peter Sawtell Walter Brueggemann Diana Butler Bass Randall Balmer Christine M. Smith Amy Jill Levine Norman Jackson Dale Bishop Doug Adams John Shelby Spong John Dominic Crossan Karen Jo Torjesen Tex Sample George A. Drake Rita Nakashima Brock Robin Scroggs Marcus Borg Donald White Marty McMane & Alan Johnson Brian Wren Charles Hambrick-Stowe John Bolen Keith G. Schrag Andre LaCoque Wilson Yates Henry Gustafson |
"Confronting Hopelessness in Immigration" "The Faith of Prophets: Lessons for the Climate Crisis" "The Challenges of Truth in Our Time" Not Held Due to Covid-19 "Immigration Matters: Joined Together, Finding Solutions" "Will our Faith Have Children?" "God, Christ, and Religious Action: A Challenge to Your Beliefs and Actions" "God and Government: Are Religious Liberties Crumbling?" "Stirred by the Spirit: Spirit-filled Worship and Spirit-filled Congregational Singing" "Being Christian and Church in 21st Century America" "The Crisis and Necessity of Progressive Theology" "Worship When God Seems to Be Absent" "Islam: Rumor and Reality" "Biblical Faith and Ecological Hope: Rethinking Theology for the Health of Creation" "The Good News of Alternative" "The Practicing Congregation: Imagining a New Old Church" "Perspectives on American Evangelicalism" "Resurrection: Fidelity to Life...in This Life" "Jesus, Gender, and Judaism" "Is God's Justice Irrelevant or Central to Our Faith?" "Building Bridges" "Bringing to Life the Humor in the Bible" "A New Christianity for a New World" "The Historical Jesus and the Birth of Christianity" "Rethinking Gender: Masculinity and Femininity in Early Christianity" "Christian Faith and Cultural Diversity: Doing Ministry in Oral, Literate, and Electronic Cultures" "Puritanism" "Who Do You Say That I Am?" "Exploring the Theology of Paul" "Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time" "The Church and the Environment: Modernism and Post-Modernism Views" "Good News" "The Language of Worship" "Spiritual Roots and Spiritual Growth" "Ethics in the Bible" and "Faith Development and the Church" "Creating a Just Peace in Home and Church" "The Church and the Environment" "Art and the Journey of Faith" "A New Vision of the New Testament" |