What to expect on Sunday morningFrom September through May, educational opportunities are provided for children, youth and adults at 9:00 a.m.
Check in at the welcome table in the parlor near the sanctuary if you'd like a name tag and some information about our church and denomination. Worship with us in our sanctuary or via zoom at 10:00 a.m. Children are welcome! Nursery care is available for your infant through kindergarten-aged children. After worship, join us for coffee in the Fellowship Hall. |
Location and Parking
Most people park in the City of Ames lot east of the church (north of the Ames Public Library). Parking is free on Sundays. Three spaces near the church’s east entrance are marked for visitors. Take the sidewalk between the house (church office) and the church. Enter through the double doors. Bus Our church is one block east of the CyRide Red 1 route bus stops for the Ames Public Library. Bikes Bicycles may be left in the bike rack next to the south double doors at the east entrance off the City of Ames lot. |
To enter the building from the parking lot to the east, take the sidewalk between the church office and church building, and enter using the double doors.
You can also enter the church from the west. The entrance at the southwest corner goes directly into the sanctuary up an outdoor staircase and through our bell tower. Two entrances on the west side of the building provide entry near the sanctuary; one is accessible by stair, and the other is a ground-level elevator entrance providing handicap accessibility. Handicapped parking spaces are available by these west entrances.
To enter the building from the parking lot to the east, take the sidewalk between the church office and church building, and enter using the double doors.
You can also enter the church from the west. The entrance at the southwest corner goes directly into the sanctuary up an outdoor staircase and through our bell tower. Two entrances on the west side of the building provide entry near the sanctuary; one is accessible by stair, and the other is a ground-level elevator entrance providing handicap accessibility. Handicapped parking spaces are available by these west entrances.