We describe God as Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit.
We describe God as Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit. In worship, prayer, and service we strive to understand what each means.
We practice two sacraments, or visible manifestations of God’s presence, grace, and love:
At Holy Communion (on the first Sunday of each month), we remember Jesus’ last meal. As his table was open to both the faithful and the doubting, so too is ours. All are welcome to receive (gluten-free) bread and dip it into juice with the blessings “Bread of Life” and “Cup of Blessing.” You will find a variety of people hosting at our table: clergy and congregants, the old and the very young.
During baptism, we make collective promises to try to become disciples of God through Jesus and to care and nurture each other in our faith. Those promises are marked by the pouring of water on our heads. Baptisms may occur at any age. Youth and adults who were baptized as infants may participate in a later confirmation of that baptism with a public affirmation of mature faith.
We are non-creedal, which means we have no one absolute statement of faith that everyone must profess. We receive testimonies to faith rather than requiring tests of faith.
At Ames UCC, you will find a full range of theologies about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, but one commitment to being in loving relationship together.
We practice two sacraments, or visible manifestations of God’s presence, grace, and love:
At Holy Communion (on the first Sunday of each month), we remember Jesus’ last meal. As his table was open to both the faithful and the doubting, so too is ours. All are welcome to receive (gluten-free) bread and dip it into juice with the blessings “Bread of Life” and “Cup of Blessing.” You will find a variety of people hosting at our table: clergy and congregants, the old and the very young.
During baptism, we make collective promises to try to become disciples of God through Jesus and to care and nurture each other in our faith. Those promises are marked by the pouring of water on our heads. Baptisms may occur at any age. Youth and adults who were baptized as infants may participate in a later confirmation of that baptism with a public affirmation of mature faith.
We are non-creedal, which means we have no one absolute statement of faith that everyone must profess. We receive testimonies to faith rather than requiring tests of faith.
At Ames UCC, you will find a full range of theologies about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, but one commitment to being in loving relationship together.